Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Project 2d8 on communityfunded.com

Hello!  DB here.

I usually don't soapbox here, but our friends over at Project 2d8 have a cool project up that we think a lot of the gaming community will be interested in.  It is an open source web-based platform that provides in person and in-chat RPG mapping and utilities!  Kind of like what Dungeon Tools completely failed to do. 

Have a look at the facebook page, like em up, and then if you are keen on it, head on over to communityfunded.com and "endorse" the project (it's like a like on facebook).

They are participating in a promotional thing that Community Funded is putting on where if they are in the top four projects as far as endorsements are concerned they get a boost to their funding, so right now, endorsements are pretty huge.

I've included the links to their stuff, and I know these guys would love to here some suggestions. If you have any questions, I can do my best to answer them, or you can just ask them.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Project2d8
Community Funded: http://communityfunded.com/projects/ian-rajala/project-2d8-the-future-of-tabletop-rpgs/

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