Sunday, January 29, 2012

Iron Man Painting 4: Genghiscon 2012

Well, another one down. After 25+ hours of painting in one weekend, we can put another Iron Man to bed. Paint was flying, smack was talked, and movies were watched. A good time was had by all.

Above: Mike Nabors

Mike Shaffer



And here are the standings you have been waiting for.

Best Overall: Allan's Puppets

Best Painted: Mike Floyd's Skaven

Most Painted: Troy's Tyranids and Lizardmen

Most Improved: Mike Nabor's Von Schill box and High Elves
Sadly, this picture was corrupted, but I will try and get a replacement. Seriously, these were awesome, he is really starting to come into it.

Honorable Mention: Mike Patton's Eldar

Honorable Mention: Mike Shaffer's Space Hulk

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